If you’ve been on this Blog before, you’ve realized by now that we are big advocates for professional pet care, when it comes to looking after your pets while you’re away.
In our previous blog post “If everyone’s friends could be reliable pet sitters, we’d be out of business very quickly…“, we’ve explained how, over and over again, we get calls from frantic pet owners because their (non professional) pet sitting arrangements fell through, sometimes only hours before their departure. Seriously, who needs that kind of stress?
Then, there are the other kind of stories that we hear. Stories like what happened to Salsa, our sweet little kitty seen here. Salsa’s mom thought it would be nice and less expensive to hire a girl recommended on Facebook; a university student doing pet sitting “on the side” for a bit of cash. Salsa’s mom looked at professional companies but wanted to avoid spending the money, so she hired the girl and went on her sunny vacation without a second thought.
Mommy came back to crusty food bowls and scummy water dishes. The litter tray was overflowing and so disgusting, that Salsa had to relieve herself outside of the tray, leaving urine stains on the carpet and the floor. Flyers were piling up in the front steps and there was evidence that the pet sitter had helped herself to the snacks and soda pop in the kitchen.
Furthermore, the security camera footage suggested she may not have come everyday as promised. Salsa’s mom was rightfully upset and felt bad for Salsa, who had to drink stale water and eat from a dirty bowl for a whole week.
Thankfully, Salsa was able to recover from the experience, and resumed doing her business where it belonged. But there’s isn’t always a happy ending when “pet sitters” don’t provide the service they were hired to do.
Since that time, we’ve met with Salsa’s mom and will be providing professional pet sitting for Salsa next January, while mom will be away for a work conference. Salsa will receive the absolute best care, while we will stay in touch with her mom through our daily journal updates, accessible online! We will also keep a close eye on the house, pick up the mail, take the bins out and clear the sidewalks. Nobody will suspect that Salsa’s mom is gone for the week.
It feels so nice to be able to help, while making new furry friends!
Don’t take any chances.
Hire a professional pet sitter today! 🙂